Tim Dowell


Pastor Tim Dowell has served Memorial since July 1, 2018. Pastor Tim began his ministry in the Baltimore-Washington Conference in 2001 and has served appointments in Harford, Frederick, Baltimore, and now Montgomery Counties. Before ministry he enjoyed a 14 year engineering career. Tim and his wife Sandy have four daughters, five grandchildren and a big brown Chocolate Lab. When it comes to having fun, Tim enjoys babysitting grandkids, playing music, sailing, welding, bicycling, motorcycling, and golfing.

When it comes to church, Tim likes to, “keep things simple.” The way he sees it, all we really need to do is love God, love everyone around us, and introduce them to Jesus by letting them see Jesus in each of us.

Posts ‘From: Pastor Tim’
  • A Glimpse Into the Future (and reflections from our past)
    A Glimpse Into the Future (and reflections from our past)

    I wear lots of hats. In addition to the “hats” worn as a pastor, I wear other “church” hats as well. Among them are serving on our Conference Board of Ordained Ministry (BOOM), on our District Committee on Ministry (DCOM), as the chair of the Ministerial Education Fund (MEF), and finally, as a member of…

  • The Beauty of the Community Dinner
    The Beauty of the Community Dinner

    I’ve been pondering our “Community Dinner” lately.  What is the Community Dinner?  Is it just another church program?  A free meal?  An evening without having to prepare a meal at home?  Or is it something more?  My reflection has led me to conclude that the Community Dinner is much more than any of those things.…

  • Thankful for Recruits
    Thankful for Recruits

    Many of you know that I serve as a chaplain in the Maryland Defense Force (MDDF). The Maryland Defense Force is part of the Maryland Military Department and serves to provide professional support to the Maryland National Guard. In personal assignment is to support the Army National Guard’s “Recruit Sustainment Program.” My particular assignment is…