Many of you know that I serve as a chaplain in the Maryland Defense Force (MDDF). The Maryland Defense Force is part of the Maryland Military Department and serves to provide professional support to the Maryland National Guard. In personal assignment is to support the Army National Guard’s “Recruit Sustainment Program.” My particular assignment is to provide Spiritual Care to the brave young people (like those in the photo) who have signed up to serve and await their time to begin Basic Combat Training (BCT).
I offer that background simply to say this:
In this season of giving thanks; I am thankful for those, like these young recruits, who step up to protect undeserving persons like me from danger. Be they military recruits, or law enforcement officers, or fire fighters, or any of the others who swear an oath to protect the public; to all I say, “Thank You” for your service. May God protect and guide you as you serve.