As I enjoy a restful Labor Day, I can’t help but think of how Labor Day relates to the theme for this coming Sunday: “Connections;” a theme we’ll be focusing on in the weeks to come.
Whereas “Labor Day” celebrates the history of the labor movement, and the ability of individuals to unite (i.e. “unions”) in order to support one another and stand for a common cause, our upcoming “Connections” theme is about being united; to God, first and foremost, and to one another. Perhaps I should rephrase that and say, “Connected to God first… and to one another foremost,” since we can’t be connected to God while disconnected from one another at the same time.
Point being; connected together in love of God and one another, there’s no limit to what we can do for the well-being of the world around us. Let us “labor” to be as connected as possible with God and one another to bring about beautiful transformation in ourselves and our surroundings.