What’s Your Mindset?




  1. A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to and interpretations of situations.

In Mark 8:33, Jesus famously tells his disciple Peter,

“Get behind me, Satan! For you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.”


Peter was guilty of being… like you and me. Human. His mind was set on human things; his best interest, success, looking out for #1. Sounds pretty “normal,” right?

Jesus, on the other hand, had his mind set on divine things; doing God’s will. Doing so would seemingly NOT be in his self interest since in included, “great suffering, rejection by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and being killed.” Jesus’ “divine mindset” was shocking to Peter, and to us if we’re honest.

The process of being a disciple of Jesus involves a transformation of mindset: from a human mindset to a divine mindset. From thinking first about oneself to thinking first about God and others. From thinking about self-interest to to thinking about self-sacrifice. From love of self to love of others. From thinking like Peter, to thinking like Jesus. Peter would eventually experience that transformation of mindset and go on to be the foundation of the church.

What’s your mindset? Where are you in that transformation? Seek to have a divine mindset. “The mind of Christ.” Ironically, doing so will work out in your own best interest.

Join us this Sunday @ 10:30 for more on having the mind of Christ.