The Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) can be thought of as the Human Resources of the church. The SPRC implements the staffing needs of the church as discerned by the Church Council. This work includes hiring, evaluating, resourcing, and supporting the church’s staff, as well as ensuring the concerns and needs of the congregation are met.
The SPRC also enforces the church’s Safe Sanctuary policies ensuring the church is always a safe place for all who engage in our ministries.

SPRC Articles
Staff-Parish Relations Committee Job Description
The Staff-Parish Relations Committee serves as the “Human Resources” arm of the church. Enjoy the following description of the work of the SPRC from the Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church.
Safe Sanctuary Policy
Poolesville Memorial is committed to providing a safe environment for everyone, especially children. All persons seeking to be involved in ministry with children and youth are required to become familiar with the policy, fulfill it’s requirements, and submit the required materials for review (including the questionnaire below) prior to beginning their service. To meet these…