March 20, 2025
“Review/Preview” is a weekly hour long gathering to “Review” the prior week’s readings and sermon, and “Preview” the coming Sunday’s readings and sermon. It’s an opportunity to ask questions and pursue answers as a group.
“It provides three bites at the apple, not just the one we get on Sunday morning, and the more time we spend in a reading, the more we get out of it.”
Pastor Tim Dowell
It’s always held online (Zoom) so there’s minimal overhead. No drive time. No dressing up. Just an hour (or less) of honest interaction around the weekly Lectionary Readings and the pastor’s message. As Pastor Tim says, “It provides three bites at the apple, not just the one we get on Sunday morning, and the more time we spend in a reading, the more we get out of it.”
When: Thursdays at 7:00 PM
Where: Online via Zoom