From Church Council to Town Hall
Due to the impending inclement weather, Tuesday’s Church Council Meeting will be cancelled. In lieu of Church Council, ALL are invited and encouraged to attend Bishop LaTrelle Easterling’s Town Hall on Restructuring and Revitalization which will be conducted via Zoom at the usual Church Council time: 7:00 PM. To register and receive the Zoom link,…
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat continues to grow: from a small private event held in our parking lot to a community event held in Whalen Commons featuring 30 elaborately decorated trunks from both St. Peter’s and Poolesville Memorial. This year’s event featured beautiful weather and hundreds of children. Thanks to all who made the event a great…
Every Day is a Workday.
These two beautiful people were caught washing windows on a beautiful sunny day. Thankful for our volunteers who know that every day is a work day. Please consider spending some of your time taking care of the ongoing needs of our beautiful facility, as well as other opportunities. See what’s needed and sign up at…
The Beauty of the Community Dinner
I’ve been pondering our “Community Dinner” lately. What is the Community Dinner? Is it just another church program? A free meal? An evening without having to prepare a meal at home? Or is it something more? My reflection has led me to conclude that the Community Dinner is much more than any of those things.…
New Lay Leader Named
After MANY years of faithful service, Ralph Hitchens has discerned it is time to retire from his longstanding role as Lay Leader of our congregation. The Lay Leader “functions as the primary representative and role model of of Christian discipleship and faith lived out in the church and daily life.” Poolesville Memorial is thankful for…